Thursday, November 29, 2018


I remember the first time I saw something with "Jessica" on it in a store as a child--there was a spinner rack of keychains and pens, and I begged and begged my mom to buy me one. She, a quintessential 80's mom, latched on to the idea with a fury, and pretty soon I even had a story book that incorporated not only my name, but information about my life and family members. I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world. 

Nowadays it takes a little bit more than my name on a pen to impress me, but I still have a secret love for personalized products. When Formulate contacted me about trying their customized hair care, it was impossible to say no. It was a super simple process from start to finish: I entered some information about my hair type, preferences and goals into their website and waited a few days. The process was easy, the turnaround time was fast, and the product itself is pretty darn great too (don't even get me started on that gorgeous minimalist packaging!). 

The process was easy, but what really sold me was looking at the ingredient list after my products had arrived. One of the primary ingredients in my formula was argan oil, which I have long considered my personal hair holy grail. It doesn't work for everyone, but it does wonders for my hair. This, along with trying it out for myself, convinced me that Formulate knows what they're doing when it comes to hair care. Curious about trying it for yourself? We're doing a giveway for a free custom set; everyone who enters will get a $5 off code, so it's a win-win! Just click the link below to enter!

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