Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween? Brilliant.

Happy Halloween from the Doctor! I'm completely smitten with Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor; I loved her in Broadchurch, so I was incredibly excited when she was announced, and my excitement has only grown over the first few episodes. She has a very Tennant vibe (which is a very good thing!), while still maintaining her own style.

You know, it's really funny--as much as I love British history and culture, until fairly recently I couldn't really get into Doctor Who, despite trying many times over the years. Sci-fi isn't really my thing, so I had all but given up on it until one of my friends recommended that I try starting with the Matt Smith years. I was a little skeptical--I mean, I already adored David Tennant, but couldn't get into his seasons--but it ended up being my ticket in to watching religiously. And now....well, look at me. Ha!

Hope you have a wonderful and safe Halloween!

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