Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Plantation Crunch Recipe

You know those foods from your childhood that are irrevocably attached to Christmas? Especially those recipes that your grandmother always made? I don't know about you, but I kinda always assumed that they were way above my culinary skill. I mean, if a grandma is making it, it must have at least 3/4 cup of magic in it, right? One of those recipes from my own childhood is a Christmas candy called Plantation Crunch; my grandma still makes it every single year and boxes us up a good portion to take home with us. It's my very favorite--so much so, that I actually asked her to make it for my wedding! She gave me the recipe recently, and I was a little bit shocked at how simple it seemed. So I thought, what the heck, I'll give it a try and it really was that simple. If you're looking for something easy for a last-minute office potluck or Christmas party, look no further. 


+ 1 package vanilla almond bark
+ 4 cups Rice Krispies cereal
+ 3 cups mini marshmallows
+ 1 cup extra crunchy peanut butter


In a large bowl, stir together Rice Krispies and marshmallows; set aside. Melt almond bark according to the directions on the package (I use the stovetop method). When fully melted, add peanut butter and stir until well-blended. Pour mixture over marshmallows & Rice Krispies; mix well. Spoon onto parchment paper and allow to cool thoroughly before removing. 


That's it! Pretty darn easy, right? The whole process is also really quick, although the cooling time was longer than I expected, so keep that in mind. I made a double batch to take to two different functions this week, and it was a hit all around. Looks like I'm earning myself some more granny cred.

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