Wednesday, March 20, 2013


 I love you, Springfield. I do. For a city in Missouri, you're not half bad. But there's this little issue of your weather. I know the weather is universally regarded as the most boring topic ever, what you talk about when you have nothing better to talk about...............yeah. I know. Worst blogger award. BUT SERIOUSLY. Stop it. 

Friday was amazing. I opened the balcony door to 70 degree weather and let the sun & spring breeze pour in. Then I grabbed a blanket & pillow, threw them on the floor, curled up on them in the sunshine, and took an afternoon nap. I'm not ashamed. Maybe I was a cat in a former life or something. It was glorious.

But then there's this upcoming Thursday--less than a week later--when we are all going to be hunkering down under a winter storm warning that's threatening to dump up to a foot of snow on us. A FOOT. Oh, and at the same time, we're under a local pollen alert. How?!

Springfield, I love you, but you're bipolar. 


  1. I guess it's the same all over the planet. We had this one warm, sunny and simply amazing week in the beginning of March but right after that week the snow cam back and hasn't left in the least bit... I don't feel like it is really is spring already.

    1. I know! I'm so ready for some spring weather! We're supposed to get another couple of inches of snow tonight! Where's my sunshine?


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