Sunday, December 2, 2012

back to the beginning

Well, here we go.

I'm going to try blogging again.

The only time I was able to (semi)successfully do this in the past was my freshman year of college, back in the days of LiveJournal. (Yikes, is my grey hair showing?) Back then, my schedule was unpredictable, I was out with friends several times a week, and my love life consisted of a nice, convenient blend of having crushes and being generally terrified of commitment. Now? I work 10-hour days M-F, my friends live all over the country, and I'm married to the greatest guy I know (cliche, maybe, but absolutely true). Stay tuned.



  1. You know, I've considered a blog on a number of occasions. I'm not sure how to handle it. But, you've inspired me. I think I'll give it a shot.

    Check me out at You'll probably figure out which of your SEMO relatives it is in short order!

    1. Hooray! I'll follow along! Can't wait to see what all you come up with.


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