Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Vinyl Love: Beneath the Skin

Beneath the Skin by Of Monsters and Men

In three words: poetic, moody, emotive

Favorite tracks: Empire, Human, Wolves Without Teeth

Of Monsters and Men are probably one of my favorite bands of the past 10 years. They manage to make albums that are cohesive, with a very distinctive sound, but without having every song sound identical. I'm also a sucker for unique voices. I'm always a little nervous before a sophomore album release for a band whose debut I loved, but I had no reason to be hesitant here. Beneath the Skin feels like a natural progression--true to the original sound, but with a different, somewhat darker feel. And paired with the warmth of vinyl? Bliss.


  1. I second everything you said here. Definitely one of my very favorites :)
    (Love the new blog design, looks great!)
    xo, Steve

    1. Thanks! I've been wanting something a little simpler!


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