Friday, January 15, 2016

National Hat Day

My agenda informs me that today is National Hat Day (who comes up with these things?) so I thought I'd wear the biggest one I own. Makes sense, right?

As silly as it sounds, I sometimes second-guess my ability to pull off hats. I love them on other people, but I usually hesitate before walking out the door in one (although, confession: I'm much more likely to decide I can pull it off if I haven't washed my hair....). My husband doesn't really help matters because he's not a fan of hats at all, which is about the weirdest thing a person can have an opinion on, I think.

The thing is, I don't think I've ever worn a hat and regretted it (except maybe today when the wind stole it and sent it careening halfway across the parking lot, but that really has nothing to do with any sort of fashion aspect). So maybe there's a lesson there: a lesson to stop fretting over silly things, and to take chances--even small ones--just to push yourself out of your comfort zones.

Outfit details: literally everything: Forever 21. Whoops. :)

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