Tuesday, January 5, 2016

December Daily: Week Four

Here we are--the last of my December Daily pages. There were two major things I learned from this challenge: (1) I really like smaller albums/pages! This was probably the most surprising thing. I used to be kind of a die-hard 12x12 fan and (2) I can be incredibly consistent and disciplined for about 31 days at a time. Haha. Honestly, though--I was really proud of my self for making time and following through with it...and it wasn't that hard. It actually inspired me to make a change in how I do my New Year's Resolutions (which you can read about here if you missed it!). Okay, okay, I'll shut up now and show you some pictures.

I'm already thinking about how I want to structure my Project Life for this upcoming year. I'm pretty sure another 8x8 is in my future!

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