Monday, December 7, 2015

December Daily: Week 1

It took me about a full week, but I think I've found my groove with December Daily. This is my first year doing the scrapbooking challenge, and it definitely was a challenge to start! I think one of my biggest frustrations with scrapbooking in general is that I don't really have a defined style--I like a little bit of everything. I like minimalism and monochrome, but I also like a lot of glitter, embellishments, and color. As a result, my albums are usually a little bit all over the place. But this is where December Daily is actually easier in my mind--it's easier to pick and stick to a style for a month than it is for a year. I still struggled with some layouts initially, but I re-did them and I'm really happy with how it's going so far. Take a peek!

If any of you are doing December daily, leave your url in the comments; I'd love to see what you're doing!

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