Tuesday, April 8, 2014



Watching:a nice little mix of Law & Order: SVU and British history documentaries. I mean, there's not much else to do when you're couch-bound, right? Hashtag, sickdaynumbatwo.

Eating: ......do vitamins count? My husband ate the rest of our breakfast pizza, which was pretty much the only thing in our apartment that didn't require cooking, and I don't feel up to cooking. SO, I will publicly shame him on my blog for leaving me to starve. ;)

Drinking: lots & lots of H2O. I've also had more than a few cups of Earl Grey with lavender, rose petals, and honey.

Reading: some British history books and my uber-clogged Bloglovin' feed. Blogging and blog-reading have both slipped a bit lately.

Working on: not having a fever. also, not dying. also, not being so painfully overdramatic.

Excited about: warm spring weekends. snowcones. wearing sandals without worrying about losing a toe or two to frostbite. Oh, and the new Katie Herzig album.

Thinking: a nap sounds lovely. It sounds lovely, doesn't it?

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