Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Meet Sarah B-word.

This is Sarah, one of my very very very best friends in all the world. (Isn't she gorgeous?) She's survived grad school with me, stood by me when I got married, and hugged me at family funerals. She's been the person I've vented to, confessed to, laughed with, cried with, and seen about 25,000 Needtobreathe shows with. 

The picture above captures Sarah perfectly. She has one of the most infectious laughs I've ever heard, and our senses of humor are so alike it's eerie. (You should see us watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia together.) She came down to Springfield to visit for a 3-day weekend last Thursday, and we had a blast thrifting, antiquing, shopping, eating, laughing, and taking lots and lots of photos! I'll post more on our amazing weekend later--I'm still recovering!--but for now, here are some shots of the lovely Miss Sarah.

Sarah blogs over at Serendipity Skipity. Go give her some love.


  1. Beautiful shots!!! I love that little cabin, so cute! Best friends are just the greatest.

    1. Thanks! That cabin is in one of our city parks! Can you believe that?


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