Wednesday, June 19, 2013


So I did something a little bit crazy last Friday......

I chopped my hair off! I've grown my hair and donated it about 4 times, but this is the first time since grad school that it's actually been short. I go through cycles where I love my hair long, and then get totally sick of it. I rarely actually go through with something this drastic, but I'm really loving it. It's so much easier, lighter, and....maybe a little edgier? I mean, this is the first time since 5th grade that I've had blunt bangs, so maybe edgy isn't the right word, but it's definitely a big change for me! Hooray for short, summery hair!

1 comment :

  1. LOVE!! Your hair now is pretty much as long as mine ever gets. I just don't have the patience to grow it out haha. It looks great!


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