Friday, March 1, 2013

welcome march!

March, welcome. I somewhat see you as the end of all this winter craziness that we've been having. The problem is, here you are, and there's still snow on the ground. It's still freezing outside. I still feel like hibernating.

I'm really glad you showed up, but could you maybe just hurry that whole "spring" thing a little? I wouldn't say you're necessarily coming in like a lion, so I shouldn't complain, but I'm just ready for sunshowers, daffodils, open windows, baby animals, and the smell of honeysuckle. Please?

Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer, so maybe you're just getting a slow start. I get it; I mean, I'm not really a morning person either.

Thanks for showing up, though. I hope you're as awesome as you have been in my head. I've missed you since last year.

Anyone else ready for spring?

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